What women want

whatwomenwantChiropractic care is good for all sorts of people, but it’s particularly helpful for women who for a variety of reasons, may be dealing with changing or stressful situations. It’s a gentle, holistic approach that lends itself to women who are:

  • Pregnant – and need drug-free advice on staying healthy at a time when their body is going through a diverse range of changes. Chiropractic care can help with breech babies, pelvic pain (Diastasis Pubic Symphysis – sometimes abbreviated to SPD/DPS/PSD!) and nutritional and exercise advice. In fact, all areas relating to fertility can be addressed through chiropractic care as an alternative or complimentary treatment. Period pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and pelvic pain can cause considerable pain and distress to women and it’s important to know that suffering isn’t inevitable. A consultation with a caring, listening chiropractor can be an important step towards resolving the root causes of long term pain.
  • Overweight – and need specific chiropractic care to protect themselves from joint deterioration and to develop the energy, strength and flexibility that is essential to vital to healthy living. It’s important to address weight issues as early as possible, since excess weight can exacerbate joint pain and joint deterioration.
  • Stressed – and need support and advice on how to tackle the impact of chemicals and toxins that we experience in our daily environment; how to manage our expectations of ourselves and others, and: how to resolve physical stresses relating to our health.
  • Older – protecting your spinal health and your central nervous system as you age is vital to your overall health as you get older. (This link takes you to the kind of health conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care). There are a number of specific conditions that older women are more likely than men to develop: most notable are Alzheimer’s disease (memory loss and reduced mental functioning) and osteoporosis (brittle, porous bones coupled with a round shouldered posture). Principled chiropractic care is one step women can take to reduce the risk of developing these diseases.
  • Fit and healthy – well you want to stay that way don’t you? Principled chiropractic care and regular spinal adjustments will keep your central nervous system performing at its best. Additional nutritional, dietary, lifestyle and exercise advice will help you make the kind of choices that keep you healthier and more energetic for all the challenges life throws at you.

I choose to visit Dr Christian Farthing at BodyWell Group in Blean, near Canterbury, Kent. There will be other good chiropractors, spinal specialists and wellness doctors where you live. I recommend you find out more about them and start making chiropractor check-ups a regular part of your healthy lifestyle.