Regular chiropractic visits make a positive difference

ScheduleThink of the things you do regularly – or should do!

Dental visits aren’t just about having shiny white teeth. Gum disease can be both symptom of ill health as well as the cause of further infection and disease.

A good, regular hair cut will give you that ‘just out of the salon/barbers’ feeling – being well-groomed also has an impact on how others perceive you. It signals to your friends, family and colleagues that you are healthy, organised and have positive self esteem.

Keeping up a regular exercise programme enables us to improve our flexibility and strength over time. Sustained exercise shows results in our muscle tone, weight, skin condition and energy levels.

Eating regularly also helps us to maintain energy levels. With a nutritious diet we can begin to manage our metabolism and use healthy snacks to support us when our energy levels are low.

Our sleep patterns may vary, but it’s not just children who benefit from regular bedtimes. Winding down at the end of the day and rising at a regular time each morning, will help to improve the quality of our sleep too.

It’s easy to see that doing these things regularly has an accumulative effect on our health and wellbeing as well as improving the way we enjoy our lives and are perceived by others.

None of these things are unpleasant (well, perhaps that depends on our childhood experiences of dental check-ups!). In fact, many people relish the idea of doing all these things on a regular and reliable basis.

So how do regular chiropractic visits make a difference?

After investing your time in a detailed first time consultation – ideally including a diagnostic X-ray of your spine – your chiropractor will know a lot about you and your goals:

  • The second and subsequent visits will be shorter visits, focused on assessing the state of your spine and making spinal adjustments where required to keep your central nervous system clear of obstructions (subluxations).
  • The effects of chiropractic care are accumulative. Depending on the condition of your spine when you first visited your chiropractor, you may need  spinal adjustments every other day or weekly for a short time, but over time you will need less frequent adjustments.
  • Your chiropractor will be able to check on your posture and advise you on ways to tackle your poor posture habits as they arise – say when you are tired, been working at the computer too long, need to carry heavy loads (like holding a baby or pulling a golf cart around an 18-hole course!)
  • Over the course of your appointments, your body will be responding to the changes brought about by initial spinal adjustments and your body will continue to adapt and respond when your appointments reach a regular six month pattern. In the event that you miss an appointment, you could well notice that there’s a delay or a loss of momentum in your body’s response to having a free flowing central nervous system.

Symptoms of pain, discomfort and fatigue are your body’s way of telling you that it wants to be well. So do your body a favour and make regular chiro appointments to keep yourself in optimum health.